With over 50 years’ experience in pest control residential services in Quebec, we can handle any type of pest problem you are likely to encounter at your home. Our certified pest control professionals will effectively and legally deal with any of these pests causing you headache and nuisance:
Why choose 360° Home Protection Plan (HPP)?
Our residential services include 360° Home Protection Plan (HPP) that provides a year-round protection for local households in Quebec from a large number of the most common home-invading pests, including ants, cockroaches, mice, rats, fleas, and silverfish, etc…
What is the advantage of 360° HPP over one-time service? Extermination Envirologique’s HPP includes seasonal pest control visits from our professionally trained technicians scheduled three times a year to help prevent your pest problem from reoccurring.
Home Protection Plans (HPP) includes a 20-point visual inspection of the interior and exterior of all accessible areas during each service visit. Our assessment, recommendations, and control procedures will be recorded and presented to you.
Is 360° Home Protection Plan (HPP) right for you? If you want to get more bang for your buck in the meantime being under 100% protection from any type of pests 365 days a year then this is probably what you need. Not only is this Plan going to save you money in the longer-term but it also ensures that you are absolutely free from any kind of pests all year round – 100% guaranteed!